Transformation Series

Growing YOURSELF is the single most exciting journey you will ever undertake.  The intention of these Transformation Modules is to inspire and motivate you to become the best version of yourself, through love, respect and awareness in every step you take. This process is about activating, or rediscovering your unique abilities through independent self-study, self-discovery and self-practice.

We live most of live our lives with a limited understanding of how our experiences can shape our perception of the world. All too often, negative experiences such as disappointment or failure can box us into a mindset that limits us from reaching our full potential.

The Transformation Series is designed to invite you to rethink the way you see the world and your experience within it. Opening up to welcome change, you will be guided toward choosing a ‘better way’ to live through positive exploration and intention.

The Transformation Series will motivate you into action, discovery and growth.

Who is it for?

The Transformation Series is a modular course for anyone who:

  • Has limited time to commit to a course of study but wants to gain the knowledge quickly and effectively
  • Desires a better life for themselves
  • Feels depressed or has low self-esteem and is seeking a route to hope
  • Needs Life Skills to cope with the demands of Life.
  • If you are involved in a Group or an organization that specializes in self-development, these Modules are ideal for discussion purposes.
  • It is my vision to see these very affordable Modules in the Transformation Series used in as many areas as possible in order to reach the widest scope of students. eg. Homes, schools, communities, Church Groups and Support Groups.  In fact anywhere that Life Skills would be helpful and uplifting.

Whats Included:

  • 1 x downloadable and editable workbook document per module (Microsoft Word Version). The exceptions are ‘Addiction’, ‘A Game Called Sex’ and ‘Victim to Hero’.  These three Modules have no Study Guide.
  • The Transformation Series vary between three and twenty pages.


(From experience each Module takes approximately three hours in a workshop environment).

Benefits of the Series

  • Self-reflection and discovery
  • A structured path to adopt a better life and embrace change
  • Strengthened resilience and confidence
  • Mastery of your own life

Course Content


Understanding the damage stress does and tools to overcome stressful situations.

This is a 16 page Module, including a Study Guide. It addresses topics such as:

  1. Identifying stress emotions
  2. Discussion on why people become stressed
  3. Understanding how the brain and body react to stress.
  4. Common stressful situations such as Change, Media, Poverty.
  5. The importance of exercising Choice and Awareness.
  6. What happens under stress:
    • Mental and Emotional Symptoms
    • Physical Symptoms
    • Behaviour Symptoms
  7. How to overcome stress
  8. Negative self-talk
  9. Tools for trauma
  10. Food that creates more stress
  11. Intention
  12. Mindfulness.
Self Esteem

Provides easy steps to build confidence, self-respect and self-love.

This is a twenty page Module, including a Study Guide

  1. False perceptions and beliefs
  2. A negative Self-Esteem
  3. Why don’t you feel good about yourself?
  4. What is Self-Esteem?
  5. Overview of Low Self-Esteem
  6. Overview of High Self-Esteem
  7. How to build Self-Esteem
  8. Case studies and stories.

Highlighting ways of enhancing relationships with people, communities and the world.

An 11 Page Module, including a Study Guide. It addresses topics such as:

  1. Definition of a relationship
  2. Requirements for a good relationship
  3. Sorting who is important and who can be released from your life.
  4. Co-Dependent relationships
  5. Abusive Relationships
  6. Negative Relationships
  7. Loving Relationships
  8. Friendships
  9. Your Relationship with Life itself.
  10. The Relationship you have with yourself.
Overcome Trauma

Suggestions on how to regain your dignity and confidence after abuse or trauma.

This is a 10 Page Module with no Study Guide

  1. A look at various kinds of trauma
  2. Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  3. A simplified description of how the brain makes memory associations
  4. Case Studies
  5. Exercises to assist recovery
  6. Anxiety and how to lessen it.
Toxic Friends

How to identify when a relationship is toxic with tips on how to walk away.

This is a ten page Module, including a Study Guide:

  1. Definition of what a toxic friend is.
  2. A check-list of what you may experience on the receiving end of a toxic person.
  3. Clarify what you want in an equal relationship.
  4. What part you play in such a relationship.
  5. An exercise to tap into your own intuition or ‘gut feeling’.
  6. Case Study
  7. Signs of a toxic person.

How to deliver a message to ensure correct interpretation and understanding.

This is a 12 Page Module, including a Study Guide.

  1. Understanding the definition of communication.
  2. Elements that make up good communication.
  3. Elements of poor communication.
  4. Different types of communication:
    • Physical
    • Verbal
    • Action
    • Written
  5. How to develop good communication
Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Important information that everyone needs to know about the dangers of addiction.

This is an 18 page Module.  It has no Study Guide.  The information herein is based on information from The FBTCC (The False Bay Therapeutic Community Centre), Fish Hoek, South Africa.

  1. Why a person uses alcohol or drugs.
  2. Stages of substance abuse.
  3. Alcohol – different types
  4. Drug abuse.
  5. Who is at risk.
  6. A list of drugs, describing:
    • What they are
    • What effect they have
    • Side effects, both pleasant and unpleasant.
    • Long term effects.
    • Withdrawal symptoms.
  7. The 12 most addictive drugs
  8. Date Rape Drugs
The Ego

A simple explanation of and examples of the Ego explain why it is not a good thing!

This is a 16 Page Module, including a Study Guide.

  1. Examples of Ego behaviour
  2. The Collective Disease called Ego.
  3. Who are we really?
  4. What Ego is and examples of how negative Ego impacts one’s life.
  5. The world without Ego.
  6. What is happening in reality.
  7. Awareness.
  8. Exercises.
  9. More Ego behaviours.
  10. How to move past the Ego.
Emotional Intelligence

Awareness of EQ allows us to view the world in a more holistic and caring manner.

This is a 13 page Module, including a Study Guide.

  1. What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  2. Two aspects of EQ
    • Cognitive Intelligence
    • Social Intelligence
  3. Four parts to developing EQ.
  4. Self-Awareness
  5. Examples of how EQ can be used to solve issues.
  6. Managing emotions.
  7. Tips to help you.
  8. Understanding.
  9. Relationships.
  10. Leadership
  11. Suggestions to resolve conflict
  12. Relationship with yourself 
A Consequence for Everything You Do – A look at Values and Ethics.​

Highlights the need to think, behave appropriately and be responsible for one’s choices.

This is a 19 Page Module, including a Study Guide.

  1. Do young people listen to and learn from their elders?
  2. How it used to be.
  3. Stories to illustrate points.
  4. It is your responsibility.
  5. Morals, Values and Integrity questionnaire.
  6. Importance of Awareness.
  7. Positive consequences from what you think and do.
  8. The importance of questioning.

A “wake-up” call to live every moment fully and not to waste what can never be replaced.

This is a 10 page Module, including a Study Guide.

  1. How Time is perceived at different developmental stages.
  2. The Present
  3. The Past
  4. Dreaming of the Future
  5. The Value of Time
  6. You time.
  7. Procrastination
  8. Now
  9. What you can do to make better use of Time.
  10. Poem by Tshwarelo Moloi.
The Entrepreneurial Spirit

The 10 Point Plan is designed to encourage you to think about how you can “do it yourself”

This is a 17 page Module, including a Study Guide.

  1. Why become an entrepreneur?
  2. Do you have what it takes?
  3. 10 step guidelines to becoming an entrepreneur.
Manifest The Life You Want

How to Manifest the Life You Want – Through Goal Setting.

A 7 page self-explanatory Module with no Study Guide

  1. Why should one set Goals?
  2. The power of Goal Setting to manifest the life you desire.
  3. The Law of Cause and Effect
  4. The Law of Compensation : You get out what you put in.
  5. A plan and diagram to build a Vision or Blueprint for your Life.
  6. Further ideas to set your own goals correctly
  7. The fundamental Rules in Goal Setting
  8. A diagram to fill in personal goals.
A Game Called Sex

An understanding of girls and boys saying what they mean and the dangers of promiscuity.

This is a short 3 page Module without a Study Guide.

  1. Notes taken at A playful talk on young girls and boy’s budding interest in the opposite sex by sexologist Dr. Kok
  2. This information may be useful for parents or teachers to use in an educational way.
  3. Your body belongs to you.
  4. Teenage pregnancy.
  5. Sex is not a sport – It carries responsibility.
  6. Unplanned pregnancy.
  7. Lifelong consequences.
  9. Single parenthood
  10. Sexual predators
  11. Psychological aspects of sex
  12. Wait for adult Love.

The Transformation Series on Trust is 16 pages, and includes a Study Guide.

  • What is Trust?
  • How to grow Trust
  • Some building blocks of fear
  • Co-Dependency
  • Where do you begin to regain Trust?
  • The perception of fear
  • The resonance of fear
  • Broken  Trust
  • Trust Yourself.

The Transformation Series on Boundaries is 20 pages and includes a Study Guide

  • What is a Boundary? A definition
  • When does one set Boundaries?
  • How do you set Boundaries?
  • What are Values?
  • Foundation Values
  • What to do?
  • A look at co-dependency
  • Boundaries in relationships.
  •  Boundaries – discipline or negotiation?
  • Notes by Sithabile Ndlovu – a clinical psychologist.
  • Notes by life strategist Carmen Sakuri
  • Boundaries for children by Vid Li Sik
Inner Conflict

The Transformation Series on Inner Conflict is a 14 Page Module with Study Guide

  • Where does your Inner Conflict lie?
  • A look at where uncertainty and Inner Conflict comes from.
  • A look at real Security
  • The impact of Stress
  • Inner knowing and Inner resources.
  • Suggestions to overcome Inner Conflict

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