Depending upon lockdown Covid-19 regulations the following courses will be offered on-line or in a classroom situation. If you are interested in joining any the following courses, plus details regarding cost and dates, please contact me via email:
Note: In some of the following courses there is no prerequisite required, which means you can do these workshops in isolation. In the Read More, prerequisites will advise which courses can be attended individually.
What is stress, and how does the body respond to it? Understanding this will help you and your clients manage your stress, recharge your life energy and recover more quickly from illness and injury.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: One day
What is stress, and how does the body respond to it? Understanding this will help you and your clients manage your stress, recharge your life energy and recover more quickly from illness and injury. K-Power®’s simple and powerful techniques show you how to recognize the warning signs of stress, tailor stress management approaches for different clients, increase tolerance of and resistance to stress, and manage stress effectively in everyday life.
You and your clients often want to improve your energy level to help you look and feel better. The workshop teaches a number of techniques originally developed by the people of Tibet to aid healing and improve energy and vitality.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: One Day
You and your clients often want to improve your energy level to help you look and feel better. Low energy, fatigue, pain and loss of motivation are all signs that the body is functioning at less than its best.
The Tibetan Energy and Vitality workshop was designed by Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe to teach easy, practical stress management techniques. The workshop teaches a number of techniques originally developed by the people of Tibet to aid healing and improve energy and vitality.
We seek to empower people – to give them tools, fresh hope and to show them ways to move ahead out of their present situations, whether it be pain, dysfunction, overwhelm, weariness, fatigue, frustration or apparent hopelessness.
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
The new epigenetic science reveals that your perceptions control your biology. This places you in the driver’s seat, because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic expression.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 1 Day
In Greek, ‘epi’ means ‘above’, so epigenetics, literally means ‘above genetics’, or you could say ‘even more important than genetics’. Put very simply, epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the genetic code but still get passed down to at least one successive generation.
The new epigenetic science reveals that your perceptions control your biology, and this places you in the driver’s seat, because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic readout.
In this workshop we teach not one but five different healing cycles, each with its own special features.
We want to turn on the genes of longevity, wellness & vitality and turn off the genes of aging and death/apoptosis. Your genetic profile is not your destiny, you can change your gene expression by the things you think, say, and do, the things you eat, avoid or listen to and what you ponder in your heart.
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
This workshop contains K-Power®’s basic toolbox. These five foundation skills enable you to apply muscle-testing knowledge to your specialty area.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 2 Days
This workshop contains K-Power®’s basic toolbox. These five foundation skills enable you to apply muscle-testing knowledge to your specialty area. In K-Power® we use muscles as indicators in much the same way that an electrician uses a multimeter. The accurate feedback the body gives through detecting muscular imbalances enables us to detect the source of energy imbalance in the body and whether they are, for example, structural, chemical, nutritional or emotional.
People with co-dependency tend to form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. This workshop will help you recognise the basic characteristics of co-dependency, work with definitions to bring awareness and teach clients the basics of mental and emotional self-care.
Prerequisites: Mastery of Emotional Stress Release
Duration: 2 Days
Co-dependency is sometimes called ‘relationship addiction’ because people with co-dependency tend to form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. It is both an emotional and a behavioural condition that affects an individual’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships.
Those who have completed this workshop will be able to recognise the basic characteristics of co-dependency, work with definitions to bring awareness and teach clients the basics of mental and emotional self-care.
We seek to empower people – to give them tools, fresh hope and to show them ways to move ahead out of their present situations, whether it be pain, dysfunction, overwhelm, weariness, fatigue, frustration or apparent hopelessness.
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
This hands-on, interpersonal, experiential intensive workshop will help you develop further understanding and skills by teaching you total of 20 emotional stress defusion techniques.
Prerequisites: Stress Release Made Easy; Five Element Fundamentals and Muscle Testing Basics for Energy Therapists
Duration: 2 Days
Frontal/occipital holding, as taught in Stress Release Made Easy, is a powerful kinesiology stress release technique and can sometimes be all you need to relieve clients’ mental and emotional stress. But sometimes you need to go beyond the fontal/occipital hold – this workshop will help you develop further understanding and skills by teaching you total of 20 emotional stress defusion techniques. This is a hands-on, interpersonal, experiential intensive workshop that will make a positive difference in the way you work with clients.
To assist clients to:
Frontal/occipital holding is a powerful kinesiology stress release technique. Some kinesiologists claim this alone relieves mental and emotional stress
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
Clients rarely ask for help because of ‘imbalances in their muscle energy’ – rather they come complaining of pain, restricted movement, weakness, or a combination of these. This workshop covers not only the physical but also the mental, emotional and metaphysical aspects of shoulder problems.
Prerequisites: 5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle Testing Basics for Manual Therapists; Core Muscles and Technique
Duration: 1 Day
Clients rarely ask for help because of ‘imbalances in their muscle energy’ – rather they come complaining of pain, restricted movement, weakness, or a combination of these.
The purpose of this workshop is to develop skill and understanding in evaluating and balancing muscle energy imbalances in the 22 muscles of the shoulder girdle to provide such an alternative for clients. Learning to recognise significant clues that clients give such as, “I’m shouldering my burdens” can be a very effective pathway to client management. The course therefore works with not only the physical but also the mental, emotional and metaphysical aspects of shoulder problems.
Skill and understanding in evaluating and balancing 22 Shoulder girdle muscles
The condition may or may not be the result of an injury. They may have seen another practitioner and been given anti-inflammatory medication and had physiotherapy or massage. But they may have experienced a poorer response to the treatment than they expected and are now looking for an alternative.
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
Knee and ankle injuries are common and can require surgery to heal properly. By learning to use K-Power® reflexes and attending to the emotional component of the injury (both before and after surgery), you may be able to significantly reduce your clients’ recovery time.
Prerequisites: 5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle Testing Basics for Manual Therapists; Core Muscles and Techniques
Duration: 1 Day
The knee joint is an unstable, complex joint. Because there is no deep depression on the top of the tibia it is relatively easy for the tibia to slip out of the normal articular position. ‘Shin splints’ is a colloquial term. People complaining of ‘shin splints’ may have been given this ‘diagnosis’ for a range of conditions including tibial fracture, muscle tears and inflammation of the shin fascia. The energy model of K-Power® avoids this confusion.
Rupture of the Achilles tendon is another common athletic injury. Complete rupture is usually treated with surgery followed by a long recovery period. By learning to use K-Power® reflexes and attending to the emotional component of the injury (both before and after surgery), you may be able to significantly reduce your clients’ recovery time. In Achilles tendinitis the tendon becomes inflamed and painful and can take weeks to settle. You can learn to help resolve chronic problems like these with K-Power®.
You will learn to balance the energy in this situation by using reflex points and by attending to the emotions involved.
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
Athletes often talk of strained or pulled ‘quads’ and ‘hams’, occurring mainly in athletes who do not warm up properly. In this workshop you will develop skill and understanding in evaluating and balancing muscle energy imbalances in the hip and thigh regions.
Prerequisites: 5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle Testing Basics for Manual Therapists; Core Muscles and Techniques
Duration: 1 Day
Athletes often talk of strained or pulled ‘quads’ and ‘hams’. Such conditions involve the tearing of these muscles or their tendons and occur mainly in athletes who do not warm up properly. They will often say it didn’t really hurt at first but a few hours later the pain intensified. They may have seen another practitioner and been given anti-inflammatory medication and had physiotherapy or massage. But they may have experienced a poorer response to the treatment than they expected and are now looking for an alternative.
In this workshop you will develop skill and understanding in evaluating and balancing muscle energy imbalances in the hip and thigh regions. With K-Power® the usual 1-3 weeks of rest followed by stretching can be dramatically reduced.
The Hip and thigh muscles
Learning to recognise significant clues that clients give such as, “so and so is being a pain in the butt over…” can be a very effective pathway to client management. The course therefore works with not only the physical but also the mental, emotional and metaphysical aspects of hip and thigh problems
The purpose of this workshop is to develop skill and understanding in evaluating and balancing muscle energy imbalances in the elbow, wrist and hand regions. There are so many people today suffering with occupationally related disorders in these areas.
Prerequisites: 5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle Testing Basics for Manual Therapists; Core Muscles and Techniques
Duration: 1 Day
The purpose of this workshop is to develop skill and understanding in evaluating and balancing muscle energy imbalances in the elbow, wrist and hand regions. There are so many people today suffering with occupationally related disorders in these areas.
Learning to recognise significant clues that clients give such as, “I’m up to my elbows in…” can be a very effective pathway to client management. The course therefore works with not only the physical but also the mental, emotional and metaphysical aspects of elbow, wrist and hand problems.
The clients condition may or may not be the result of an injury. They may have seen another practitioner who has given them anti-inflammatory medication, and sent them for physiotherapy or massage. The person may have had a poorer response to the treatment than they expected and now is shopping around for an alternative.
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
Great improvements in movement and relief of pain can be obtained from balancing the neck muscles and relieving the emotional stress that is so often involved in muscle spasm.
Prerequisites: 5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle Testing Basics for Manual Therapists; Core Muscles and Techniques
Duration: 1 Day
Even minor injuries can easily become chronic and a constant source of pain, irritation and insomnia.
Neck injuries can limit work possibilities and activities such as driving. The many joints in the cervical spine
are also commonly affected by arthritis (of all kinds).
While the kinesiologist does not treat medical diagnoses or symptoms, great improvements in movement and relief of pain can be obtained from balancing the neck muscles and relieving the emotional stress that is so often involved in muscle spasm.
This workshop covers a wide range of neck, head and jaw muscles and tools for managing common areas of pain including headaches.
Flower essence therapy is a simple, reasonably inexpensive way to help you and your clients cope with emotional upsets and injuries, such as cuts, bruises, aches and sprains. It is particularly useful where there are mental or emotional fears.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: 2 Days
Includes one pack of (72) New Perception Flower Cards
Flower essence therapy is a simple, reasonably inexpensive way to help you and your clients cope with emotional upsets and injuries, such as cuts, bruises, aches and sprains. It is particularly useful where there are mental or emotional fears.
We live in a time of tremendous joyfulness. We have access to our conscious mind, our subconscious mind (where past memories are stored), and our supra-conscious or Higher Self mind. We can choose our own reality, or co-create it with others in co-operation with others, at all levels of the universe.
Treat the person, not the disease or effect.
Dr Edward Bach
Building on the learning gained from the previous workshop, Your Face Is Talking To Me, in this workshop you will learn to use muscle testing to identify 10 further traits (each with instinctual behaviours) that may cause stress in relation to your clients’ life situations.
Prerequisites: Your Face Is Talking To Me
Duration: 1 Day
Structure predisposes or inclines function throughout the animal and bird kingdoms. Compare a racehorse to a Clydesdale work horse. They are both created differently to function differently. Put them in a race and we would know which would win. Each functions in a different yet predictable way.
The same pattern exists for humans. Personologists look at physical structure and determine how it indicates a behavior pattern. Personology is a science that reveals how the structure of our bodies exerts a powerful influence on our behavior.
In this workshop you will learn to use muscle testing to identify 10 further traits (each with instinctual behaviors) that may cause stress in relation to your clients’ life situations. By clearing the stress at the causal age, you will have allow your clients to have more choice in creating the behaviors they desire and in living out the fullness of their genetic potential.
In this workshop you will learn:
Personology explains how our genes express themselves in our structure and personality. In this workshop you will use muscle testing to identify the priority trait (that is, instinctual behavior) causing stress in relation to your clients’ life situations.
Prerequisites: Mastery of Emotional Stress Release
Duration: 1 Day
Personology explains how our genes express themselves in our structure and personality. It relates the human physical structure (primarily the face) to the basic behavioural functioning process and the personality. The key message is that one’s structure predisposes function, as is seen throughout the animal kingdom.
Personology is a science, based on the inherited traits handed down from parents and ancestors, that reveals how the structure of our bodies exerts a powerful influence on our behaviour.
In this workshop you will use muscle testing to identify the priority trait (that is, instinctual behaviour) causing stress in relation to your clients’ life situations. By clearing the stress at the causal age, you will have allow your clients to have more choice in creating the behaviors they desire and in living out the fullness of their genetic potential.
Back pain is a common side effect when the core muscles are weak or not in balance. In this practical, hands-on workshop you will learn three core techniques that you can apply to every muscle you test.
Prerequisites: 5-Element Fundamentals and Muscle Testing Basics for Manual Therapists
Duration: 2 Days
Back pain is a common side effect when the core muscles are weak or not in balance. People who work their rectus abdominis with crunches but fail to strengthen their transverse abdominals, for example, commonly experience lower back pain. Back pain is common because so many muscles have to contract and relax to allow a person to stand and move.
In this practical, hands-on workshop you will learn three core techniques that you can apply to every muscle you test in the future: muscle stretch response; sustained muscle use; and hidden muscle failure. You will also develop skill and understanding in evaluating and balancing muscle energy imbalances in the 13 core muscles of the torso. You will then build on this knowledge by learning the More Mode, surrogate muscles, the circuit retaining mode, the important principle of muscle reactivity and how to correct reactive muscles.
We want to turn on the genes of longevity, wellness & vitality and turn off the genes of aging and death/apoptosis. Your genetic profile is not your destiny, you can change your gene expression by the things you think, say, and do, the things you eat, avoid or listen to and what you ponder in your heart.
Dr Bruce Dewe, K-Power® Co-Founder
The College Without Walls | Copyright 2023