The Book

This is my story of a year with breast cancer that forcefully dictated my every hour.  It is an inciteful and informative book for everyone who has cancer or knows of someone fighting cancer.   Within the pages of my Journal  were times when I felt my Spirit had been crushed, but ultimately I also learned a resilience to accept the many ups and downs that presented each moment.  I had glimpses of profound unconditional love and faith, as well as moments of utter despair.   Included are many facts  and useful tips I learned along the way.  Ones the doctors do not necessarily tell you.  A year of Conquering Cancer was indeed a Spiritual Quest to loving and healing myself.

  • I learned about my own inner resources and personal strengths that kept coming to the fore to rescue me from my own wild imaginings.
  • I was pushed right out of my comfort zone.
  • I came face to face with the possibility of Death but succeeded in making it my friend. I no longer have a fear of dying.
  • And I learned to lean on those I love and to accept their love and support every step of the way.
  • I now know I am deeply loved and have learned to receive with an open heart.

Why I wrote this book

In hindsight, my journey with breast cancer was about developing my own Light consciousness, returning to love and the Divine Spirit that fuels my Soul.  I learned to  release negative energy and thought patterns that crushed my Spirit.  It also meant overcoming fear-based consciousness, healing limiting beliefs and positively transforming my very being into a mindset of health and healing.  Cancer calls one to attention!  I wrote this book to encourage anyone facing the BIG C to know ‘there is life after cancer’.    Also, Cancer offers a Spiritual Master Class in which one is obliged to participate!

In essence:  I put down my ability to conquering breast cancer to the love I learned…to love myself authentically. I experienced pure JOY, simply to be alive.

Through sharing my story I wish to give others hope.

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