“As a criminal I have done a lot of harm to others with my ‘hands’. It is those ‘hands’ that Mrs. Gabby Fels has trained in Kinesiology to assist others of my fellow offenders to deal with Stress, Depression, Grief, Focus and Concentration and Anger. I am grateful to Mrs. Fels for offering my ‘hands’ a positive tool (Kinesiology) to do some good to my fellow human beings.” – ex-offender.
It is an all-round natural therapy, based on Energy Balancing that encompasses healing in the body, mind and spirit.
Through following the easy exercises and activating specific points as illustrated in the diagrams, the energy flow in specific areas of your body will be corrected and balanced.
A sense of calm; the ability to think clearly; an end to insomnia; better relationships; relaxed, pain free muscles; emotional equilibrium and having the tools to manage life better on all levels. The Life Skills teach fundamental lessons that are often missing. Another common result in prison is inmates saying they now “Know Who They Are” and have regained hope to look ahead and plan for a better future.
Kinesiology works on all levels, therefore I would test and then strengthen weak/unbalanced muscles.
What is the most usual thing people would come to you for?
I think I have pretty well worked with every possible variety of imbalance over the past thirty years so it is difficult to say which is the most common problem. I would have to say: stress in any area of the client’s life.
Kinesiology can be learned and practiced by anyone. However, medical doctors researched and wrote the material that is taught and used internationally. It is absolutely safe and can be used by anyone.
No. We are working with the energy system in the body, and re-aligning it so that the body can heal itself. It has nothing to do with religion, or a belief system.
Healing in Prison | Copyright 2021